February 06, 2014

in the kitchen

it is a 2014 goal of mine to cook more at home in hopes of learning quick, easy, go to meals that can be fun for kiddos later on. between jay and myself, jay has always been the master chef. he comes from a family of amazing cooks who turn out a five star family dinner like it was nothing. my version of an incredible dinner usually consisted of peeling a potato, that meant effort. after years of feeling inspired by jay's family, and then relinquishing any hope of getting to their level of expertise, and then feeling inspired again, and then copying their recipes one by one, burning some and succeeding at others, i decided it was time to figure out this home cooking for myself. intro, homemade pizza!

i decided to start with pizza because when jay and i first started dating we (more he) would make pizza on special date nights which always seemed like a treat. he made the dough and i would usually grate cheese and sous chef whatever else we were putting on it. i also worked in a pizza shop as a teenager and hoped some long lost experience there would help me out. so far, it's going pretty great! we have had pizza about once a week at this point because i am so proud of my new found ability. eventually we will need to curve this healthier options, but for now pizza once a week is pretty great in my books. especially because i can confidently make dough rise on the first try. this was no small feat in itself, let me tell you.

you can find the dough recipe i used here on epicurious. i like to add some basil and garlic to the dry mixture for a little something extra. if you like pizza (and who doesn't really?) then for sure give it a go! it's easy, it's fun and oddly therapeutic when you get to it. 

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