this month i couldn't stop looking at photos from when we first brought mila home. she has grown so much in month eight. her face seems more mature and her interactions with others are more engaging then last month. it's also been a ton easier to get ready in the morning or have her hang out in her exersaucer while i make lunch because she can easily entertain herself now. for at least for 10 minutes i have two free hands before she wants to get picked up again. i may complain daily about how my arm hurts or my back hurts from carrying this little lady around all day, but secretly i love it a ridiculous amount.
LAAV on mamahood at eight months
- tooth count: 0
- she has bedhead all day, every day.
- the first laugh where she threw her head back was because of me. and i died right there.
- when i try to kiss her she grabs my mouth and pulls her forehead to it. then pushes me back and gives me a big smile.
- getting her face and hands wiped is her most loathsome time of day.
- she can scoot from one side to the other and wiggle herself backwards but we are still working on the forward motion.
- she can't get enough of standing or walking with support.
- tummy time is no longer a peaceful protest. it's a pretty obvious protest at this point.
- at her 8 month checkup we asked how mila is progressing and she said "socially she is really advanced". she is our daughter for sure.
- she laughs when jay and i kiss in front of her.
- she turns off light switches at bedtime all on her own.
- we are over goodnight moon. it's now the goodnight train for every bedtime read.
- one word to describe this month: throwy (i know, that's not a real word, but you get it)
- dance parties to the beatles radio station can last forever and it's still one of my favourite times!
- she waves hello and goodbye with her entire arm and with everything she's got.
- i dress her in denim every chance i get.
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